As promised, we do have some things coming up, chief of which is the CCA Drive that will be held from the 28th - 30th April. Our booth will be located at the SP Sports Hall and we do wish, beg, grovel and pray that you come down and see our planes in all their glory, not to mention to support our club. Many club members have slaved under the relentless whips of the merciless ExCos (Ed: some ExCos did get flogged too, sheesh) to set up a booth that definitely looks better than the crummy treehouses of old that passed for a stand. And just to prove our point...
See, we told you so. Doesn't it look smashing? We think so. Compared to other years' efforts - if any - this booth should look the most attractive by far. That means cameras, people. Cameras.
Next on the list to update you our dear reader is our Aeromodeling Session (Phase 1) which was held on the 23rd of April. I shall let the pictures speak for themselves, so that we do not have to type a thousand words...
We learned to fashion planes out of Styrofoam (DEPRON) which included the F/A-18 and F-5 plane models. For a little background, Depron foam is a closed cell polystyrene sheet. It is extremely lightweight, moisture resistant & has diverse a range of uses such as Aeromodeling and floor insulation.
Continuing from where we left off, next week will be phase 2 of the Aeromodeling session. According to our exalted President He-Who-Is-Edwin-Almighty, it will be trickier this time round, what with sanding the sheets to shape and piecing the, well, pieces together. Very exiting, we promise.
Time 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Meeting Place: FC5218, SP Aviation Club Room
CCA points given!
New comers feel free to join!
If you're coming along, we also do require you to pay an absolutely biblical sum of $1 (one dollar). It will not go toward paying for our cheeseburgers but for the aeromodeling materials.
On that bombshell, we hope to see you at our coming activities and we wish you great success in your studies!